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Peter Cheyney was a most prolific author, below is a bibliography based on published books, printed stories and articles, manuscripts and documents found in The Cheyney Papers, but there may well be more writings to be added...


Poems of Love and War (1916)

To Corona and Other Poems (1917)


Le Rayon Qui Tue (1926)
La Dernier Enquete de L’Inspecteur Ralston (1926)
Three Character Sketches (1927)
I Guarded Kings: The Memoirs of a Political Police Officer
    (ghost written for Harold Brust) (1935)
In Plain Clothes: Further Memoirs of a Political Police Officer

    (ghost written for Harold Brust) (1937)

Best Stories of the Underworld (editor) (1942)

NOVELS - English language first editions

British mostly published by William Collins, US = US re-titled editions

This Man Is Dangerous (1936; Lemmy Caution)

Dames Don’t Care (1937; Lemmy Caution)

Poison Ivy (1937; Lemmy Caution)

Can Ladies Kill? (1938; Lemmy Caution)

The Urgent Hangman (1938; Slim Callaghan)

Dangerous Curves (1939; Slim Callaghan)

Don’t Get Me Wrong (1939; Lemmy Caution)

Another Little Drink (1940; Nick Bellamy)

You Can’t Keep the Change (1940; Slim Callaghan)

You’d Be Surprised (1940; Lemmy Caution)

It Couldn’t Matter Less (1941; Slim Callaghan)

Your Deal, My Lovely (1941; Lemmy Caution)

Dark Duet (1942; Kane, Guelvada, Quayle)

Never a Dull Moment (1942; Lemmy Caution)

Sorry You’ve Been Troubled (1942; Slim Callaghan)

US A Trap for Bellamy (1942; UK: Another Little Drink)

US Farewell to the Admiral (1943; UK: Sorry You’ve Been Troubled)

US Premeditated Murder (1943)

The Stars Are Dark (1943; Fells, Greeley, Quayle)

You Can Always Duck (1943; Lemmy Caution)

US Account Rendered (1944)

US The Counterspy Murders (1944)

They Never Say When (1944; Slim Callaghan)

The Dark Street (1944; O’Mara, Quayle)

US The London Spy Murders (1944)

I’ll Say She Does! (1945 ; Lemmy Caution)

Sinister Errand (1945; Kells, Guelvada, Quayle)

Dark Hero (1946; Rene Berg)
US The Dark Street Murders (1946)
Uneasy Terms (1946; Slim Callaghan)

US The Case of the Dark Hero (1947)
Dance Without Music (1947; Caryl O’Hara)
Dark Interlude (1947; O’Mara, Guelvada, Quayle)

Dark Wanton (1948; Frewin, Guelvada, Quayle)
Try Anything Twice (1948)

You Can Call It a Day (1949; Johnny Vallon)
US The Man Nobody Saw (1949; UK: You Can Call It a Day)
One of Those Things (1949; Terence O’Day)


Dark Bahama (1950; Johnny Vallon)
US Lady Beware (1950 )
Lady, Behave! (1950; Johnny Vallon)
US Set-Up for Murder (1950)

Ladies Won’t Wait (1951; Michael Kells)
US Mistress Murder (1951 UK: One of Those Things)

US I’ll Bring Her Back (or Bring Her Back Alive) (1952; UK: Dark Bahama)

US Cocktails and the Killer (1957)
US Sinister Murders (1957)

US The Case of the Dark Wanton (1958)

US The Terrible Night (1959)

US Undressed to Kill (1959)

US Callaghan (1973)


You Can’t Hit a Woman and Other Stories (1937)

Knave Takes Queen (1939)

Mr. Caution – Mr. Callaghan (1941; Slim Callaghan, Lemmy Caution)

editor: Best Stories of the Underworld (1942)

The Adventures of Alonzo MacTavish (1943; Alonzo MacTavish)

Calling Mr. Callaghan (1943; Slim Callaghan)

Alonzo MacTavish Again (1943; Alonzo MacTavish)

The Murder of Alonzo (1943; Alonzo MacTavish)

Making Crime Pay (colleted stories, articles, radio plays) (1944)
Account Rendered (1944)

Night Club (1945, Poynings) AKA Dressed to Kill (1952)

He Walked in Her Sleep and Other Stories (1946; Alonzo MacTavish)

A Spot of Murder and Other Stories (1946; Slim Callaghan)

The Curiosity of Etienne MacGregor (1947; Etienne MacGregor) AKA The Sweetheart of the Razors

Fast Work and other stories (1948)

No Ordinary Cheyney (1948)

Knave Takes Queen - enlarged edition (1950)

Lemmy Caution Omnibus (1952; This Man is Dangerous, Dames Don’t Care, I’ll Say She Does)

Velvet Johnnie and Other Stories (1952)

Dressed to Kill (1952; Night Club plus biog)

Calling Mr. Callaghan (1953; Slim Callaghan)

Meet Mr Callaghan (1953; collection of The Urgent Hangman, Dangerous Curves & Uneasy Terms)

G Man at the Yard (1953; Lemmy Caution, Slim Callaghan, Alonzo MacTavish)

The Adventures of Julia and Two Other Spy Stories (1954; Julia Herron) AKA Killing Game, You’d Be Surprised

The Best Stories of Peter Cheyney (1954)

He Walked in Her Sleep (1954; Alonzo MacTavish) AKA MacTavish

The Mystery Blues and Other Stories Peter Cheyney (1954) AKA Fast Work

SHORT BOOKS - 16-64 pages, mostly stapled paperbacks

The Adventures of Alonzo MacTavish (1943)

Alonzo MacTavish Again (1943)

The Murder of Alonzo (1943)

The Man with the Red Beard (1943, Todd)

Love with a Gun and Other Stories (1943, Polybooks)

The Adventures of Julia (1945, Poynings)

Dance Without Music (1945, Poynings)

A Tough Spot for Cupid and Other Stories (1945, Vallency)

Escape for Sandra (1945, Todd)

You Can’t Trust a Duchess and Other Stories (1945, Vallency)

Vengeance with a Twist and Other Stories (1946, Polybooks)

Date After Dark and Other Stories (1946, Polybooks)

G Man at the Yard (1946, Poynings)

The Man with Two Wives and Other Stories (1946, Polybooks)

A Spot of Murder and Other Stories (1946)

Time for Caution (1946, Willaim Foster Pub.)

Lady in Green and Other Stories (1947, Bantam)

A Matter of Luck and Other Stories (1947, Bantam)

Cocktail for Cupid and Other Stories (1948, Bantam)

Fast Work (1948, Bantam)

Cocktail Party and Other Stories (1948, Bantam)

Information Received and Other Stories (1948, Bantam)

The Lady in Tears and Other Stories (1948, Bantam)

The Unhappy Lady and Other Stories (1948, Bantam)


listed alphabetically and dated as known, all UK publications unless stated otherwise

SC = Slim Callaghan; LC = Lemmy Caution; ill = illustrator

NB: most of these stories were (re)published in the listed short books or collections, many with alternative titles

A Double Double-Cross May 1924, Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine;

Abie Always Pays (Abie Hymie Finkelstein) February 4, 1939, Answers;

Abie and the Gangsters (Abie Hymie Finkelstein) Friday March 27, 1936, Evening Standard; ill Mendoza

Abie in Hollywood (Abie Hymie Finkelstein) March 31, 1940, The Statesman, Calcutta;

Abie the Sleuth (Abie Hymie Finkelstein)

Account Overdue (T. S. Durante) September 24, 1949, John Bull; ill William Little

Account Rendered (SC) September 14, 1940, Illustrated;

Ace High September (SC) 26, 1942, Illustrated;

The Affair of Mrs. Lotus Leaf (Etienne MacGregor)

After Fiesta

Ain’t Love a Scream (LC)

Alonzo-Sportsman! (Alonzo MacTavish)

Angel in the Sky

Angel Unawares: A Chriatmas Surprise Christmas, 1936, Daily Independent

The Arrest (Alonzo MacTavish)

At the Grape-Vine (SC)

La Belle Dame Sans Souci

The Big Bluff (SC) January 1, 1944, Illustarted;

The Big Shot (LC) Tuesday July 20, 1937, Daily Sketch; ill John Pisani

Big-Time Stuff (LC) published as ‘Phoney!’, December 9, 1939, Answers;

Birthday for Callaghan (SC)

The Biter Bit (Alonzo MacTavish)

The Black Mantilla (Alonzo MacTavish)

Blackout (SC) November 25, 1939, Illustrated;

The Bump-Off (McGonegal)

Callaghan Plus Cupid (SC) October 14, 1939, Illustrated;

The Callaghan Touch (SC)

Cash, Please! (Etienne MacGregor)

Checkmate (Etienne MacGregor)

Chicago Pay-Off

China Tea (Etienne MacGregor)

Chinese Music (Alonzo MacTavish)

Christmas for Callaghan (SC) Monday December 24, 1945, Daily Mail; published as ‘Case of the Missing Knife’, June 8, 1946, The Star Weekly, Toronto; December 23, 1946, Burma Star, Burma; ill Isobel Dawson

Clash with Doctor Klatt (Alonzo MacTavish) May 6, 1939, Illustrated

Cocktail for Cupid May 1946, Modern Woman;

Cocktail Party November 1945, Modern Woman; ill Sax(?)

Courier (Gervaise) published as ‘ “It” ‘, October 1948, The Courier

Dames Are So Dizzy (LC) Friday July 23, 1937, Daily Sketch; ill John Pisani

Dame Don't Care (LC) serialised, 1937, The Thriller;

Dance Without Music (Caryl O'Hara) September 30, 1939, Illustrated; full-length version September 11, 1948, The Star Weekly, Toronto; full-length version serialised in 12 weekly parts starting July 6, 1947, News of the World; ill McDermott (Star)

The Dark Street full-length story, October 12, 1946, The Star Weekly, Toronto; ill Traunter

Dark Wanton full-length story, Sunday October 30, 1949, The Star Weekly, Toronto; McDermott (Star)

The Date After Dark (SC) October 12, 1940, Illustrated;

The De Lanier Technique

Death in the Lift published as ‘And the Lift Went Down’, February 15, 1941, Answers;

The Death on Panhandle

Delayed Action (Terence O’Day) February 1951, Modern Woman; ill John Pimlott

The Demure Lady (Etienne MacGregor)

The Dencourt Stiletto (SC)

The Diamond Scarab (Alonzo MacTavish)

The Disappearing Diamonds (Slim Callaghan) published as ‘Sleight of Hand’ (starring Jeremy Jones), November 20, 1943, Answers;

Documentary Evidence (SC)

Double Alibi (SC) August 14, 1943, Illustrated

Dressed to Kill (Gaunt) full-length story, October 4, 1947, The Star Weekly, Toronto; ill El Gilchrist

The Dude - Portrait of a G-Man (LC) August 9, 1941, Answers

Duet for Mobsters (LC) Thursday July 22, 1937, Daily Sketch; ill John Pisani

Enter Alonzo MacTavish (Alonzo MacTavish)

Escape for Sandra (Sandra, Kerr, Nielek, Quayle, Vayle, Sven) Modern Woman; ill Lazzolo

Esteban July 23, 1949, John Bull; ill K. J. Petts

Exit Permit December 1944, Soho Centenary; date?, New Age;

Fast Work (Alonzo Green) Friday April 15, 1938, Birmingham Weekly Post; March 1939, Eastbourne Courier;

Fifth Column (SC) August 24, 1940, Illustrated;

From the Neck Up! (LC) published as ‘The Girl who was Dead From the Neck Up’, December 11, 1941, Glasgow Evening News; ill John Pisani

G-Man at the Yard (Lemmy Caution) serialised, 1937, The Thriller;

Gangster Stuff July 15, 1937, The Nottingham Evening News;

Getlin’s Perfect Suicide Saturday March 25, 1939, The Yorkshire Observer Budget;

The Gigolo

Green in My Eye

Greensleeves (Etienne MacGregor)

The Guess Comes Off (SC) published as ‘Callaghan’s Shot in the Dark’, December 7, 1940, Illustrated;

Gun Moll Blues

The Gypsy Warned Me

He Walked in Her Sleep (Alonzo MacTavish) April 8, 1939, Illustrated; ill Sinclair Calow

He Who Laughs Last (Alonzo MacTavish)

The Heat for Six (LC) Monday July 26, 1937, Evening Standard; ill Mendoza

Hey...Duchess! (LC) Monday July 19, 1937, Daily Sketch; published as ‘O.K. Dutchess’, July 26, 1941, Answers; ill John Pisani (Daily Sketch)

Hey...Sherlock (LC) published as ‘A Case of Shootin’ ’, 1939, Answers;

Honour Among Thieves

The House with the Glass Roof (Alonzo MacTavish)

The House with the Yellow Bricks (Alonzo MacTavish)

The Humour of Huang Chen

The Humour of Lo-Chung

I Should Know Better Brittannia and Eve; published as ‘A Matter of Confidence’, September 1940, Answers;

In the Bag (SC) also radio play 'The Golf Bag Case'; December 4, 1941, Illustrated;


In the Hall (SC) January 23, 1943, Illustrated

Information Received

It Comes Off Sometimes (SC) March 7, 1942, Illustrated

It Runs in the Family (SC) November 9, 1940, Illustrated;

Julia Rose Petal (Etienne MacGregor)

The Key (Eustace St. John Mainway) December 2, 1944, Answers; October 5, 1940, Manchester Evening Chronicle;

Lady Behave! (Johnny Vallon) full-length story, February 10, 1951, The Star Weekly, Toronto; ill W. Book

Lady in Green (Alonzo MacTavish)

Lady in Love (SC) April 11, 1942, Illustrated;

Lady in Luck (Julia Herron) January 12, 1946, The Star Weekly, Toronto; ill Phil Berry

The Lady in Tears (SC)

A Lady of Quality (Krasinsky) Modern Woman; ill Arthur Wragg

The Last Straw

A Life for a Lamp

Love and Larceny (Terence O’Day) May 1951, Modern Woman;

Love can be Wonderful January 1941, Brittania & Eve; ill Albert Bailey

Love with a Gun March 4, 1939, Illustrated;

Luck...and a Lady (Alonzo MacTavish)

The Lucky Chance

The Man with the Eyeglass Helena Brackman) November 18, 1940, Answers;

The Man with the Red Beard

The Man with Two Wives (SC) August 29, 1942, Illustrated;

A Matter of Cooperation (SC)

A Matter of Habit (Jeremy Jones, Etienne Garche: later McGregor?) Saturday September 7, 1940, The Mail (Adelaide); December 7, 1946, The Star Weekly, Toronto;

A Matter of Luck (Alonzo MacTavish)

The Mauser Pistol (Alonzo MacTavish)

Mayfair Melody September 1939, Brittannia and Eve;

The Missing Bullet (slightly cut and converted to Slim Callaghan for Polybooks) published starring Jeremy Jones, November 6, 1943, Answers;

The Missing Rembrandt (Alonzo MacTavish)

The Mouthpiece Talks (LC) Monday November 15, 1937, Manchester Daily Dispatch;

Murder at Moore Hall (5-minute thriller for you to solve...) December 26, 1943 Sunday Chronicle, Manchester;

The Murder of Alonzo (Alonzo MacTavish)

Murder with a Twist (SC) October 28, 1939, Illustrated;

The Mystery Blues (Alonzo MacTavish)

The Net of Dr. Klatt

Nice Work (LC) October 5, 1936, London Evening Standard; Tuesday January 7, 1947, The Yorkshire Evening Post; Saturday December 11, 1937, Manchester Despatch; January 27, 1945, Answers;

Night Club

Not So Dumb February 1942, Brittania & Eve; February 19, 1944, The Star Weekly, Toronto; February 26, 1943, The Outspan, Bloemfontein, S.A.; ill W. Smithson-Broadhead (Brittania); ill Aileen Richardson (Star); ill W. Smithson-Broadhead (Outspan)

Not-So-Secret Service! (Julia Herron)

Of a Delay in the Post

Of an Experience of Pierre Duchesne

Of Honoria Dove-Mellifleur

Of Pastoral Blackmail

Of Perfume and Sudden Death

Of the Demise of Mr. Evelyn Sout

Of the Dream of Erasmus Bellamy

Of the King of Tarragona

Of the Reclamation of Captain Kidd

Of the Vengeance of Hyacinth Jones

On the Cards (SC) (AKA Your Deal Madame! AKA On The Cards)

One Born Every Minute April 29, 1939, Illustrated; ill Sinclair Calow

One for the Duchess (SC)

One for the Heiress (LC)

One of Those Things - serialised novel (Terranve O’Day) August 7, 14... 1949, Sunday Dispatch;

The Orange Kid (Snevelsky) March 6, 1938, Sunday Dispatch;

The Other Uncle (Etienne MacGregor)

The Pay-Off (LC)

The Peacock Fan (Alonzo MacTavish)

The Perfumed Ghost January 1940, Brittannia and Eve; ill Albert Bailey

The Pin

Poets Can’t Take It September 22, 1939, Daily Herald;

Portrait of a ‘G’ Man (Rudy Calcimo AKA The Dude) August 22, 1937, Sunday Editorial;

The Return of Klatt (Alonzo MacTavish)

The Rope (Getlin) February 10, 1940, Staffordshire Advertiser; December 1952, MacKills Mystery Magazine;

The River That Ran Sideways (Etienne MacGregor)

A Set-Up for Psychology

The Sleeping Car Saurday July 1, 1939, Natal Mercury, Saturday Magazine, Durban;

The Sleeping Glass

The Sliding Scale (Etienne MacGregor)

The Smoking Lamp (Etienne MacGregor)

Sob-Stuff (LC) published as ‘Lemmy Caution G-Man’, November 11, 1939, Answers;

Sold! (Alonzo MacTavish)

A Spot of Murder (SC) December 19, 1942, Illustrated;

A Square Deal

Sweet Murder at Figg’s End (Krasinsky) Modern Woman; ill Arthur Wragg

Sweet Sister Modern Woman (SC); ill Glynn Jones

The Sweetheart of the Razors (Etienne MacGregor)

The Telephone Talks (SC)

There’s Honor Among Thieves August 21, 1948, The Star Weekly, Toronto;

They Had an Alibi (LC) Wednesday July 21, 1937, Daily Sketch; published as ‘Alibi’, july 19, 1941, Answers; published as ‘Theft Gang’s Alibi Torpedoed’, December 8, 1937, The Glasgow Evening News; Glasgow Evening News; ill John Pisani

They Had It Comin’ (LC) published as ‘Ironed Out’, December 23, 1939, Answers;

They Kidnapped Cecelia (SC) November 7, 1942, Illustrated;

This ‘Other Woman’ Stuff (Julia Herron)

This Intuition Business (Carew)

The Three Grey Men of Mote Hall (Alonzo MacTavish)

Three Men on Tampa

The Tiger at Twelve December 1945, Modern Woman; August 7, 1948, The Star Weekly, Toronto; ill Sax

To Him Who ‘Waits’ (Alonzo MacTavish)

Too Many Cooks (Alonzo MacTavish)

A Tough Spot for Cupid (Carew) April 1944, Modern Woman; ill Clark Fay

Truth Is Never Acceptable (Alonzo MacTavish) April 15, 1939, Illustrated; published as ‘Find the Lady’, February 10, 1945; November 1959, Suspense; ill Sinclair Calow (Illustrated)

Twin Twist (Jeremy Jones) April 8, 1944, Answer;

The Unhappy Lady (Alonzo MacTavish)

Velvet Johnnie

Vengeance with a Twist (SC) January 18, 1941, Illustrated

We Girls Must Hang Together April 22, 1939, Illustrated; ill Sinclair Calow

The Weeping Lady

Wisdom of the Serpent December 3, 1938, Aukland Star, New Zealand;

The Wine Glass (LC) originally published as ‘After You, Lady’ a story “written around this picture” for unknown newspaper; published as ‘Set-Up’, August 2, 1941, Answers;

The Wise-Guy Dude is Trapped - Poertrait of a G-Man (LC) Monday December 13, 1937, The Glasgow Evening News;

The Wo Hang Coffin (Alonzo MacTavish)

A Woman Scorned

The Yellow Kaffir (Etienne MacGregor)

You Can’t Hit a Woman

You Can’t Trust Duchesses (SC) November 11, 1939, Illustrated; Saturday February 16, 1946, The Star Weekly, Toronto; ill Marshall Franz

You Can’t Trust Husbands

You’d Be Surprised (Julia Herron)

Your Deal Madame (AKA On The Cards AKA The Lady Takes a Twist)



The Underworld of Mayfair Sunday Dispatch 05 September 1937

(Underworld of Mayfair) The Jealour Husband “Racket” Sunday Dispatch 12 September 1937

Counting the Cost in Misery - What Price Hollywood Now? Tit-Bits 12 November 1932

(What Mayfair’s Underworld did to) The Man from the Provinces Sunday Dispatch 19 September 1937

Vanity Lures on the Mass Murderer Daily Mail 01 December 1937

Perfect Murders Go Wrong Daily Mail 12 February 1938

Inside the Balck Market - No.1 - (inc. The Men Who Watch & glossary) Sunday Dispatch 25 June 1944

Inside the Balck Market - No.2 - Back Room Boys of a £1,000,000 Racket (author’s original title: Ladies Must be Beautiful) Sunday Dispatch 02 July 1944

Inside the Black Market - No.3 - The People of Black Market Village (author’s original title: The Black Market - Money and Crime) Sunday Dispatch 09 July 1944

Inside the Black Market - No.4 - Women Behind the Balck Market - How the ‘Swag’ is Sold Sunday Dispatch 16 July 1944

Inside the Black Market - No.5 - The Black Marketeers Who Won’t be Caught (author’s original title: What the People Think) Sunday Dispatch 23 July 1944

What Would You Do? If the World Ended in Seven Days (contributor) Sunday Dispatch 20 August 1944

The Terrible Doctor Sunday Dispatch 04 November 1945

Death of a Traitor Sunday Dispatch 11 November 1945

Mystery of the Red Chair Sunday Dispatch 25 November 1945

Murder for Fun Sunday Dispatch 09 December 1945

The Case of the Unfriendly Lady Sunday Dispatch 06 January 1946

The Birth and Life of Lemmy Caution Transatlantic 01 February 1946

INTERVIEW Art for Pete’s Sake Illustrated 07 September 1946

Mystery of the Red Chair The Crime Digest 01 January 1947

The Crime that Always Pays The Evening News 03 January 1947

How to Write a Book Civil Service Argus 01 August 1947

Thrills for the Million Tory Challenge 01 September 1947

INTERVIEW He Makes Crime Pay John Bull 13 September 1947

INTERVIEW Background to a ‘Best-Seller’ W.H. Smith & Son’s Trade Circular 20 September 1947

Crime Stories Don’t Make Criminals Sunday Chronicle 23 January 1949

Peter Cheyney at the Haigh Trial Sunday Dispatch 24 July 1949

How to Write a Book Sunday Dispatch

The Singer of the Song? manuscript only

Cocktails manuscript for Wm Collins, Bombay

My Week manuscript only

Ante-Rooms of Crime The Crime Digest (vol1, no.2)

How to Succeed as a Writer of Thrillers manuscript for Holiday Book

Christmas Club Crime Quiz Weldons Ladies’ Journal

Paris Crime - No.1 - My Friends the Police Sunday Dispatch

Paris Crime - No.2 - L’Affaire Petiot Sunday Dispatch

Paris Crime - No.3 - A Flight to a Finish Sunday Dispatch

Paris Crime - No.4 - Dope Sunday Dispatch

Paris Crime - No.5 - L’Affaire Cosselin Sunday Dispatch

Paris Crime - No.6 - L’Affaire Lafond Sunday Dispatch

The Peugeot Murders Sunday Dispatch

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